Our Scripts

At house of worship:

Please arrive one half hour before the service is to start.   As soon as the casket is removed from the hearse one legionnaire will announce, in a moderate voice, Attention!  Veteran, United States (Service Branch), Name of deceased, Arriving!  (Attention On Deck! if the deceased is Navy, Marine Corps or Coast Guard.)

Immediately after the announcement, attending Legionnaires, on the command “Hand Salute,” offer a Slow (10-second) Salute.  As the casket is brought into the house of worship, at the command “Two,” Legionnaires return their right hands to their sides.

Legionnaires who choose may enter and remain for the duration of the service.

Another Slow Salute is offered when the casket is being carried out to the hearse.  The command this time is Attention! (or Attention on Deck!) Veteran,United States (Service Branch), Name of deceased

Departing!  Again, at the command “Two,” Legionnaires return their right hands to their sides.

At funeral home:

Please arrive at scheduled time. When rendering the Final Salute at a funeral home the detail will march in single column and halt parallel to the casket. Right or left face to face casket. Legionnaire will announce Attention (or Attention on deck) Veteran United States (Service Branch) Name of deceased, Hand salute. When the salute is at the brow the legionnaire will say (Deceased first name), The American Legion thanks you for your service, God bless you followed by the command two. Detail right or left face, Dismissed.  Preferred dress code includes a Legion hat, which can be ordered at https://emblem.legion.org/uniform_caps/legion.asp. Dark blue jacket and dark red tie is prefered however any Dark jacket and tie is acceptable. White gloves will be supplied. Check to see that hats are straight, Ties are straight and jackets are buttoned .